Monday 18 March 2013

Janak Lives Among These Needy Children.

Mom informed me that Janak's parents have come from Germany. Which suddenly revived the pain that I went through when I was informed about Janak's death last year. 21 year old Janak, only son of his parents  had died in a car accident.

Janak was only 12 years old when I saw him for the first time in Germany. There was a party in his house and I had gone there to attend with my uncles. Angle looking Janak became so fond of me, when he knew that I worked for a T.V channel. He was with me throughout the party, asking me about my life and job in Nepal. I still remember him talking about second World war and how the Germans escaped bombings, hiding in the Keller. His talks were too smart for a child his age.And yes, he traveled with me  throughout Germany, guiding me as my tour guide.

The news of his death really shocked me. I only remembered his innocent face and cried for hours.

When I saw his parents this Saturday, I could not stop my tears. Two of his photos were there in the living room and he was smiling in both of them. It seemed to me that he was saying, see I am happy here, why are you crying for me? His mother couldn't stop herself , when she saw my mom. His father  seemed strong though.

They were in Nepal for his first death anniversary, his father informed. They had established a fund of 1million rupees and planned to provide scholarships to deprived students from the village where Janak was born. For this year , they have selected 49 students and were providing them education materials and paying their annual fees.

This is indeed a very good idea to immortalize Janak. I remembered him saying that he wanted to contribute for the education of children when he came to see me in 2009. And his parents were materializing his dreams.

Hindus in Nepal spend a lot of money in death anniversaries of their beloveds and in other religious functions . They give huge amount of money in donation to the priest believing that their beloveds would get that in their next life. Janak's parents decision to support these deprived children is an effort, that is new to Nepalese culture and should be copied.

The concept of Charity is not so strong in Nepal. It exists, but in the form of religious ceremonies. People donate millions of rupees in the name of religion and God, but none for the humaniterian cause. When I see street children in the streets of Kathmandu and other cities and the poor people in the far west,  I feel , aren't people wasting their money for nothing when they donate money for religious ceremonies and God? If the amount to be spent on such occasions are put into proper channel and for the welfare of poor Nepalese, It can really help millions of poor people in the country.

Current statistics say that only 25 % of people are below the line of poverty in Nepal. And if the remaining 75% of them spend their money wisely , when they feel like charitable, we certainly can help these people see better future. Janak's parents this year gave better  future to 49 children and if each of us followed suit, being ready to spend a small amount of income for such noble cause, I believe there won't be anyone below the  line within next 10 years.

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