Global PR is a fantasy dreamed up by International PR agencies to generate money! Is it true? though the debate ended up with a 'draw', I still believe that Global PR is not only for making money. We all know that each and every activity of a human being is directed towards earning money, because money buys all those basic needs. So in a sense that International PR agencies want to generate money using Global Pr is true. But as the world is varied and with different people, different cultures, different languages,if International PR agencies only think about making money, it will always remain a fantasy. Some of my collegues said that , whatever interest big international companies are showing in the developing world or less developed world is for generating money.but when 'organizations move into the global economy, practitioners will need to adjust to see, listen, and speak to international publics. An internationalization of Public relation is both an opportunity and a challenge for professionals.'. (Heath.L. Robert Handbook of Public relations, 2002)
Though money making is an opportunity, there are many challanges, for example, 'socio culture' is the basic one. Sriramesh and White (1992) suggested that 'international Public relations will have to reflect the cultural and societal norms of the host nation.'
And if the organization tries to acclamatize itself with the host nation , only with a motive of generating money, without its concern for the socio cultural value of the society, its effort will not generate profits.
For example, MCdonalds India had to face controversy when a US attorneyclaimed that the restaurant chain has lied to customers for more than a decade by using beef fat in its french fries. Cow is revered in India and eating beef is strictly prohibitated among huge number of public. McDonalds India had to come up with a serious crisis plan to solve the issue.http://www.jphpk.gov.my/Malay/formaduan/English/May2001%207A.htm
So Global PR though is a concept to expand business and make money in this global village, there are many hurdles that PR companies have to consider , before they start making money.
Though money making is an opportunity, there are many challanges, for example, 'socio culture' is the basic one. Sriramesh and White (1992) suggested that 'international Public relations will have to reflect the cultural and societal norms of the host nation.'
And if the organization tries to acclamatize itself with the host nation , only with a motive of generating money, without its concern for the socio cultural value of the society, its effort will not generate profits.
For example, MCdonalds India had to face controversy when a US attorneyclaimed that the restaurant chain has lied to customers for more than a decade by using beef fat in its french fries. Cow is revered in India and eating beef is strictly prohibitated among huge number of public. McDonalds India had to come up with a serious crisis plan to solve the issue.http://www.jphpk.gov.my/Malay/formaduan/English/May2001%207A.htm
So Global PR though is a concept to expand business and make money in this global village, there are many hurdles that PR companies have to consider , before they start making money.
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